Learn to Swim, with Swim For Your Life

Learn to Swim

From 3yrs to Adult

Family -Group Private Sessions

Stroke Correction /Skill Development

Learn to swim at an early age and you are on the path to confidence, safety and self development. Learning to swim takes awhile but the satisfaction gained from being able to swim well is enormous. Living in the Northern Rivers, Tweed and Byron Shire we have the beach on our door step, many friends and family have pools so it’s essential to teach your kids to swim.

Safety in the water and safety near water is essential to minimise the risk of drowning.

“The Facts are that 280 people drowned in Australia between 1 July 2015 and 30 June 2016 and those numbers have risen from previous years, the reality is that 1 in 5 Aussie kids cannot swim”

Call us today on 66801614

Private Lessons

  1. Private 1:1 classes with a male or female teacher, offered throughout the week and Saturday mornings. These classes will ultimately save you money, because we can fast track your child’s learning in a less distracted environment.
  2. We also offer 1:1 sessions for children with challenging behaviours and/or NDIS recipients. These are also offered through out the week and on Saturday mornings.

SFYL is wanting to have a greater impact for our children in the community. We also want to save you money, fuel, stress levels by offering 1 on 1 lessons by fast tracking their learning.

For further information or to book in please call us